Self-Care Routine

How are you doing these days? No, really. How are you doing?! Most of us probably would answer “fine” with a smile and move on, when really we might be stressed, anxious, and not taking proper care of ourselves.

In times of uncertainty like now, it’s so crucial to find peace where you can and ground yourself. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the news or a seemingly never-ending to-do list.  Especially if you’re suddenly working from home and trying to do ALL the things!

So today we’re going to take a look at some simple and tangible tips for establishing a self-care routine.  It doesn’t have to be fancy; you don’t have to buy yourself a whole new skincare routine or expensive products or completely reschedule your day.  Hopefully, these tips inspire you to take some time out of your day just for YOU!  Even if it’s only 10-15 minutes.

Ease into your day and create a calm environment

This is key if you work from home! But also applicable to anyone. Try your best to slowly ease into your day, instead of just waking up and diving right into work. Change out of your pajamas, do your skincare routine, get yourself ready for the day.  This will probably look different for everyone! I like to tidy up my space and create an environment that’s conducive to productivity.  For me that looks like emptying the dishwasher, cleaning up the house a bit, making a cup of coffee, and diffusing some essential oils.

Grounding Earthing

You could also go walk outside barefoot in your yard to get grounded and start with fresh air (also known as earthing). There are so many benefits, try it!  Some other ideas include journaling, meditation, prayer or whatever makes you feel calm and centered!

Schedule a mid-day walk on your calendar

It might sound weird to schedule a walk into your day, but it’s an easy way to break up your day, get some fresh air, and recharge for the afternoon.  Especially if you tend to hit an afternoon slump!  Simply set an alert on your phone or block it off on your calendar.  This is exceptionally important if you work from home.  Sometimes it can feel like you just want to power through and get your work done.  But taking a quick break for some movement can actually make you feel more productive!  You can also use this time to listen to your favorite podcasts or audiobooks.  Self-care on the go!

If the weather isn’t great, do a quick search on YouTube for free workouts you can do at home that don’t require any equipment.  The options are endless!

Plan out healthy meals for the week

You are way more likely to set yourself up for success and eat healthy if you meal plan and prep!  It might take some more time upfront, but it will save you time in the long run and prevent you from snacking or grabbing quick meals or ordering takeout.

Maybe you can designate one day a week to plan your meals and groceries for the upcoming week. And do some meal prep such as chopping veggies.  I really like the app Paprika which is so helpful for meal planning and managing recipes digitally.

Stay hydrated!

I think we all know the importance of drinking water and staying hydrated for our health. But how many of us actually drink enough throughout the day? A general rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces each day. So if you weigh 140 pounds, you should aim to drink 70 oz. a day. A fun account to follow on Instagram is @heyyoudrinkwater for reminders!

But let’s talk about skin hydration too! You can check out our blog post about why your skin needs both hydration and moisture. So key! They are an important step to use after cleansing or if you need a mid-day spritz. You can view all the hydrating mists and toners that The Choosy Chick carries here.

Take a loooooong bath

Most of us probably don’t have time to take a lengthy bath each day. But I’m sure we can all take just one night each week to enjoy a warm bath! Why not take it up a notch and add some organic or biodynamic wine, too? Now we’re talking!

I also recommend some soothing bath salts like this Dreamy Mineral Soak or Magnesium Bali Coconut Milk Lemongrass Bath Soak! Both are so relaxing, especially if you have sore or achy muscles. Magnesium is a vital micronutrient our body needs to function and thrive and most of us are actually magnesium deficient. One way to replenish this essential mineral is through our skin!

Give yourself an at-home facial

Ah yes, this is my favorite form of self-care! Who doesn’t love a nice facial? There are a couple of products we recommend to make your facial experience amazing. You might like:

  • This pore clarifying face mask that rejuvenates the complexion, deep cleans pores, and leaves skin soft and nourished
  • A jade roller or gua sha to relieve stress, tension, and depuff (check out our blog post with 10 dos and don'ts!)
  • A jade comb (pictured below) to massage the scalp to help stimulate meridians which promote relaxation, hair rejuvenation, and reduce fatigue
  • A jade mask to place over your eyes. The coolness and heaviness of the jade helps relieve sinus issues, closes pores and reduces puffiness and wrinkles!

Give your devices a curfew and get some sleep!

Lastly, this may sound pretty obvious, but make sure you’re getting some sleep! Yes, sleeping TOTALLY counts as self-care!  That might look like a quick 20-minute power nap or just getting to bed on time.

Another tip is to lessen your usage of blue light about an hour before you go to bed. Blue light triggers your body to be awake and alert. So that means, try putting your phone away and avoiding using devices and screens before bed!

You can also put yourself in the mood for sleep with a relaxing, dream-inducing Aura mist or rub a sleep balm under your nose, temples, pulse points, or on your lips. This natural sleep enhancer uses a sophisticated blend of essential oils to help quiet your thoughts and clear your mind so that you fall asleep naturally. Sweet dreams!


So let us know if there are any other tips you swear by to fit self-care into your day! We truly hope you’re doing well during this time and we’re here for you!



Written by: Becca Tetzlaff

Organically BeccaBecca is a blogger, podcaster, wife, and dog mom from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She’s on a mission to get the word out about chemicals found in our everyday items like makeup, food, and personal care products. She provides education on ways you can live a more holistic life and easy swaps you can make in your routine to naturally safer products. Check out Becca’s blog and catch her on Instagram @organicallybecca.

Becca Tetzlaff