Candice Batista on Marilyn Denis Show

We had the pleasure of speaking with Toronto's Candice Batista last year and knew that we had to partner in some way, shape or form and introduce her to our followers.  

For those of you who don't already know Candice, she is an award winning eco-journalist and one of Canada’s leading eco advocates.  She's been sharing tips on how to live a more sustainable life for over a decade now.  Currently, she calls CTV’s "The Marilyn Denis Show” home.   As the resident on-air eco expert (and producer),  she provides viewers with the tools they need to live happy, healthy, green lives.  From DIY recipes to saving energy,  Candice has you covered.   Her website, THE ECO-HUB offers tips and tricks on how to live a more sustainable life.   Candice has a long history of building public awareness around  taking care of our planet.   We were so impressed to learn that Candice was selected by The Climate Reality Project to present Al Gore's -  Inconvenient Truth. 

We had the opportunity to pick her brain a bit; here's what we learned:

Where does your passion for green living come from?

It comes from a place of love and respect for all living things. As a journalist I have so much information at my fingertips.  I feel it’s my responsibility to share that information with others, empowering them to make more sustainable choices. 

When did you first become aware of the need to be an eco-conscious consumer, and was there one moment for you that made you determined to change your lifestyle?

I was working as a weather broadcaster at Canada’s Weather Network, I was talking and reporting on weather patterns around the world and read an article on how warming temps were affecting animal migration in South Africa (where  I am originally from). I was fascinated and wanted to know more. So I began researching and learning as much as I can. In the process of this research I stumbled upon a growing community in Toronto who were fostering and facilitating environmental awareness in different ways. This was about 12 years ago, I’ve always been very mindful of reducing waste, but it was my introduction to this community that brought it to the best level.   From that point on my life has been as green as it gets and I’ve been tireless working to help people do the same. 

What kinds of things (habits - eating, home, etc.) do you do on a daily basis that promote healthy, green living?

The biggest habit I have is I really try to shop mindfully! I think about the choices I make and I ask myself do you really NEED this or do I just want it. It takes a while to get to this point, but it’s much easier than people think. When you are conscious of the choices you make and think about how those choices affect the world, you’ll make more sustainable decisions.  I also think about the item's end of life….where is it going to end up? This is a biggie for me, every decision I make is a conscious one. 


Candice Batista


"There is no planet B; we need to nurture and take care of it and each other."


Which products do you most enjoy/recommend from The Choosy Chick?

OMG….all of them.  Today, unlike 12 years ago there is so much choice. Gone are the days of the hippie, granola skincare products.  Today there are so many effective, healthy products to choose from.

I’ve been using the Ahnesti Uplift Shampoo and Conditioner for a few months now and I love them both.  I was a bit skeptical at first, but my hair feels light and manageable, no more frizzly curls.

MOA's Green Balm is to die for.  An all-purpose healing balm is hard to find and this is not called a miracle for nothing. I keep it in my purse and use it daily. I have very dry hands (age) and very dry lips (winter) and I use this to help both.  It smells divine too. You can also use it at a cleanser.  While most cleansers tend to strip oil from the skin, MOA nourishes it.  And the packaging….well that takes it up a notch; I need to find a way to reuse those adorable tubes.

Mūn is another fav; I had not tried it before, but now it’s a full-fledged love affair.  I am BIG on scent and this one is aaaaa-may-zing!  It has three simple, super-natural ingredients.  Don’t let that fool you for a second - all three pack a punch.  I have dark circles (thanks Dad) and this has definitely helped!  Run don’t walk to try it, if you love serums, you'll LOVE Mūn Aknari!

 If you live in Canada, you are fortunate enough to see Candice on the Marilyn Denis Show.  Be sure to check out Candice at The Eco-Hub and follow her on Instagram @CandiceBatista

Here are two of our favorite posts by Candice:

Homemade All-Purpose Cleaner with a Citrus Twist

Healing Detox Bath Soak


Margot White